9 Dangers of Using Aging Hardware
9 Dangers of Using Aging Hardware Chipmaker Intel recently announced that it won’t issue updates to fix the security vulnerability called “Spectre” in some of its processors. According to Intel, the following processors, won’t receive an update for Spectre: Bloomfield line, Clarksfield, Gulftown, Harpertown line, Jasper Forest, Penryn/QC, SoFIA 3GR, Wolfdale line and Yorkfield Line. The processors not supported by Intel for Spectre update are older chips, some more than 5 years old and some are even more than 10 years old. The only exception to the list is the processor SoFIA 3GR which was released in 2015. Spectre is a security vulnerability that affects, not just Intel, but also most of the modern computer processors and operating systems. This security vulnerability enables computer programs to steal critical data processed…