GDPR: Ready or Not this Pan-EU Privacy Regulation is Already Here

GDPR: Ready or Not this Pan-EU Privacy Regulation is Already Here

Information Security
GDPR: This Pan-EU Privacy Regulation Has Arrived The compliance deadline for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has lapsed, but only 1 in 3 companies are ready, according to a new global survey conducted by ISACA. The ISACA survey showed that this coming May 25, 2018 – the enforcement date of GDPR – only 29% of companies globally will be ready. GDPR is a European Union (EU) regulation that requires businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of individuals residing in the EU. Extra-Territorial Application of GDPR While other country-specific personal data and privacy regulations are vague in terms of their extra-territorial applicability, GDPR makes it clear that it’s applicable even to businesses based outside the EU, so long as these businesses process personal data of individuals residing in the…
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