How to Protect Remote Workforce from Web Application-Based Attacks

How to Protect Remote Workforce from Web Application-Based Attacks

Information Security
How to Protect Remote Workforce from Web Application-Based Attacks The on-going pandemic has changed the way people work. Organizations around the globe have turned to cloud applications for better collaboration and productivity for their remote workforce. Microsoft has warned that today’s malicious actors are leveraging malicious web applications in gaining access to legitimate cloud services such as Office 365. In the blog post "Protecting your remote workforce from application-based attacks like consent phishing", Agnieszka Girling, Partner Group PM Manager at Microsoft said, "While application use has accelerated and enabled employees to be productive remotely, attackers are looking at leveraging application-based attacks to gain unwarranted access to valuable data in cloud services." Consent phishing, Girling said, is an example of a web application-based attack that "can target the valuable data your…
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How to Secure Your Organization’s Network Following a Remote Work Adoption

How to Secure Your Organization’s Network Following a Remote Work Adoption

Information Security
How to Secure Your Organization’s Network Following a Remote Work Adoption The COVID-19 disease, now observed in a significant number of countries, has opened a new awareness to remote work for workers and employers wanting to avoid physical gatherings. What Is Remote Work? Remote work is the practice of working for an extended period outside the formal office. This practice, also known as telecommuting, teleworking and work from home, is nothing new. Fast internet connections, high-speed computers and more sophisticated applications have propelled the growth of remote work. Data from Canada’s General Social Survey (GSS) in 2016 showed that 2.3 million paid workers or 12.7% of the total workforce of Canada telework at least an hour a week. Out of the total number of Canadians who work from home for…
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