Servers Left Running Without Security Updates Can be Your Organization’s Weakest Link

Servers Left Running Without Security Updates Can be Your Organization’s Weakest Link

Information Security
Servers Left Running Without Security Updates Can be Your Organization’s Weakest Link The revelation that the server used by attackers as a passageway in Singapore’s biggest cyberattack hadn’t been updated for more than a year shows how a failure to update a server can be your organization’s weakest link. The circumstances surrounding the failure to update the server used by attackers in ultimately reaching Singapore Health Services (SingHealth)'s critical system were revealed during the recent hearing conducted by the Committee of Inquiry (COI), the body tasked to investigate Singapore’s biggest cyberattack, the SingHealth cyberattack. Last July 20, Singapore’s Ministry of Communications and Information and Ministry of Health issued a joint statementdisclosing that attackers stole non-medical related personally identifiable information of more than 1.5 million patients who visited SingHealth’s outpatient clinics…
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Mind the Air Gap: Pros and Cons of Network Separation

Mind the Air Gap: Pros and Cons of Network Separation

Information Security
Mind the Air Gap: Pros and Cons of Network Separation The Singaporean Government recently completed the task of disconnecting staff computers at public healthcare facilities from the internet. Disconnecting the staff computers from the internet, also known as internet surfing separation, network separation or air-gapping, is aimed at preventing cyberattacks, Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Heansaid at an engineering conference. The announcement of air-gapping or network separation at the public healthcare facilities in Singapore came on the heels of a major cyberattack at the Singapore Health Services (SingHealth), the country’s largest group of healthcare institutions. Singapore’s Ministry of Health, in a statement, said, non-medical personally identifiable information of more than 1.5 million patients who visited SingHealth’s outpatient clinics and polyclinics from May 1, 2015 to July 4, 2018 were…
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Importance of Protecting Your Organization’s Server from Malware

Importance of Protecting Your Organization’s Server from Malware

Data Backup, Information Security, Servers
Importance of Protecting Your Organization’s Server from Malware The recently disclosed data breach at Algonquin College highlights the importance of protecting your organization’s server from malware. Algonquin College, in a statement released last July 16, said that on May 16 cyberattacks illegally accessed one of the College’s servers by infecting it with a malicious software (malware). The educational institution didn’t indicate what specific type of malware that the attackers installed on the infected server nor indicate how the attackers were able to get inside the server. The infected server, according to Algonquin College, hosted access to databases which contained personal information. Sensitive information, including date of birth and home address, of 4,568 individuals (students and alumni) may have been exposed, while non-sensitive information of an additional 106,931 individuals (students, alumni…
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How to Protect Your Company’s Server from Ransomware Attacks

How to Protect Your Company’s Server from Ransomware Attacks

Security, Servers
How to Protect Your Company’s Server from Ransomware Attacks Your company’s server is the center of your organization’s IT operations. The server is where your company’s critical data are archived. All of your organization’s computer workstations are also linked to it. Your company’s physical server is where server software works and provides services such as file transfers to other connected computers. Because of the server’s core functions, this has become the target by ransomware cyberattackers – a point of entry where they believe they can make the most out of the attacks. What is a Ransomware? A ransomware is a malicious software, also known as malware, that encrypts computer files preventing users to access their files and asks for ransom payment, typically in the form of Bitcoin, to decrypt or…
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How Server OS Update Can Prevent Cyber Attacks

How Server OS Update Can Prevent Cyber Attacks

Security, Servers
Preventing Cyber Attacks with OS Updates Why should you be concerned with the server OS update? A server operating system, also known as server OS, helps in simplifying and expediting the typical functions of a server. This very system though has become a target of cyberattackers as attacks on servers give them more payoffs for their efforts. IT operations rely heavily on the server. It’s where your organization’s digital data is archived and it’s where all the computers or staff workstations are linked. Security Vulnerabilities Security vulnerabilities in a software, including the server OS, isn’t uncommon. It’s an accepted reality in the software development community that code is never released free of error. The industry average number of security vulnerabilities for every 1,000 lines of code range from 15 to…
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Server OS Update: Preventive Measure Against Cyber Attacks

Server OS Update: Preventive Measure Against Cyber Attacks

Information Security, Security, Servers
Using Server OS Updates to Prevent Cyber Attacks Is your company still using an outdated server OS? Your obsolete server OS may not be broken, but this can put your company in danger of losing resources as a result of cyber attacks. In House Server Your in house server shapes your business operations. All office computers, printers, scanners, internet access and other office equipment are linked to it. All software tools shared by employees, such as accounting program and customer relationship management software, are linked to it. All digital files of your company are stored in it. With an in house server, new software or changes across the network can easily be rolled out. For instance, a server can update every computer on the network at the same time. There…
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