How to Protect Your Organization’s Computers Against Meltdown and Spectre
Protecting Your Organization’s Computers Against Meltdown and Spectre Whenever a new cybersecurity vulnerability is publicly revealed, a new version often springs to life based on the original cybersecurity vulnerability. This is true in the case of the “Meltdown” and “Spectre”, cybersecurity vulnerabilities that were publicly disclosed by researchers at Google Project Zero (GPZ) last January. Meltdown, also known as Variant 3, is a cybersecurity vulnerability that “melts” the security boundaries typically established by the hardware, affecting desktops, laptops and cloud computers. Spectre, collective term for Variant 1 and Variant 2, is a cybersecurity vulnerability that allows a cyberattacker to force a CPU to reveal its data. Modern-day CPUs such as Intel, AMD, and ARM are vulnerable to varying degrees to the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of both Meltdown and Spectre. Ecosystem partners…