Dutch University Paid Cybercriminals Ransom; Lessons Learned from This Attack

Dutch University Paid Cybercriminals Ransom; Lessons Learned from This Attack

Information Security, IT Support
Dutch University Paid Cybercriminals Ransom; Lessons Learned from This Attack Maastricht University, a government-funded institution in the Netherlands, recently admitted that it paid ransomware attacker a ransom of 30 Bitcoin, valued nearly 220,000 USD at the time of payment. The University, in a statement, said it fell victim to a ransomware attack on December 23, 2019. While the University’s IT infrastructure consists of 1,647 Linux and Windows servers and 7,307 workstations, the University said, the attacker only hit 267 Windows servers. The University added that backups of these servers were also affected. In ransomware attacks, attackers prevent legitimate users from accessing their computers or files through the process known as encryption. Attackers then demand from their victims ransom in exchange for the decryption keys that would unlock the encrypted files.…
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Canadian Towns Hit by Ransomware Cyberattacks; Lessons Learned from These Attacks

Canadian Towns Hit by Ransomware Cyberattacks; Lessons Learned from These Attacks

Information Security
Canadian Towns Hit by Ransomware Cyberattacks; Lessons Learned from These Attacks The Canadian town of Midland in Ontario recently acknowledged it has paid ransom after experiencing a crippling ransomware cyberattack. In a statement, Midland Townsaid that it has “initiated the process to pay the ransom in exchange for the decryption keys.” The town added, “Although not ideal, it is in our best interest to bring the system back online as quickly as possible." What Is Ransomware A ransomware is a type of a malicious software (malware) that encrypts files, making them inaccessible to users, and demands from victims ransom in exchange for the decryption keys that unlock the encrypted files. Ransomware attackers typically ask their victims to pay ransom in the form of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and convert it to…
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