New Ransomware Tactic: Data Publication in Case Victims Don’t Pay Ransom
New Ransomware Tactic: Data Publication in Case Victims Don’t Pay Ransom Ransomware attackers typically encrypt victims’ data and demand from victims ransom in exchange for the decryption keys. To pressure victims into paying ransom, attackers have added a new tactic: publication of stolen data in the event victims fail to pay ransom. While ransomware attackers in the past threatened victims to leak stolen data online for failing to pay ransom, many don’t follow through. Ransomware victims, as shown in their official statements, often view ransomware attacks not as data breaches – a type of cyber-attack that steals data. Ransomware victims, rather, believe that ransomware attackers can’t access the content itself. This perception that ransomware attackers can’t access the content itself is thrown out of the window as recent ransomware trend…