How to Secure the Most Common Cyberattack Initial Vectors
Cyberattackers gain access to their victims' networks by exploiting initial vectors – entry points that enable them to drop malicious software (malware). Securing the most common cyberattack initial vectors is important in protecting your organization's network. Here are the most common cyberattack initial vectors and their corresponding cybersecurity best practices in securing them: RDP RDP, short for Remote Desktop Protocol, is one of the most popular application-level protocols for accessing Windows workstations or Windows servers. With the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the resulting government-mandated stay-at-home measures, remote working has become a new normal. This new normal, however, directly impact cybersecurity. The ransomware called "Phobos", for instance, typically leverage compromised RDP connections as an initial vector. Kaspersky Lab reported that since the beginning…