What is a Disaster Recovery Plan and Why Does it Matter for Your Business?

What is a Disaster Recovery Plan and Why Does it Matter for Your Business?

Data Backup
Certain situations can have a huge impact on your business and its future. Everything from a fire destroying your office to a cyber attack exposing sensitive data could bring your operations to a sudden stop. And this can lead to massive costs and serious reputational damage down the line. For example, ransomware is an ever-present threat to Canadian companies: this form of cyber attack locks users out of their systems or specific files (via encryption) until a ransom is paid. But there’s no guarantee that handing over the requested amount of money will inspire the culprits to honor their part of the deal. The cost of downtime caused by ransomware attacks is $180,000 in Canada (on average), and this cutting-edge extortion practice is (sadly) unlikely to go away anytime soon.…
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Secure Data Backup: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs It

Secure Data Backup: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs It

Data Backup
Secure Data Backup: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs It Data loss is a risk no business can afford to take. Even the biggest brands in the world have to implement effective data backup to defend against potential cybersecurity breaches or disasters. Even if you’ve considered data backup for your SME, the process of actually setting it up can be daunting. We know it’s not easy to find the time. You’re trying to drive your team to greatness, secure conversions, and so on. But it’s crucial that you dedicate time to setting up data backup for your business sooner rather than later. And here are five reasons why. Save money over time The average cost of a data breach for companies and organizations in Canada exceeds $6m. More than 40…
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Importance of Cloud-Based Data Backup

Importance of Cloud-Based Data Backup

Cloud Computing, Data Backup
Importance of Cloud-Based Data Backup The deluge of digital data in today's digital economy is unprecedented. Cloud-based data backup creates an opportunity to support both fast disaster recovery and business continuity for organizations of all sizes. In a study conducted by IDC and commissioned by EMC, in 2020, digitally created data is expected to reach an astounding 40,000 exabytes – that’s equivalent to 40 trillion gigabytes or over 5,200 gigabytes for every man, woman and child in 2020. Not all digital data are created equal. Some are meant to be kept for a long period of time, while others are short-lived. For instance, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European Union (EU) law that’s scheduled to be implemented on May 25, 2018 requires EU and non-EU based organizations that…
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