What Is Malware & How to Prevent or Mitigate Its Effects

What Is Malware & How to Prevent or Mitigate Its Effects

Information Security, IT Support
What Is Malware & How to Prevent or Mitigate Its Effects In today’s interconnected world, malware, short for malicious software, is wreaking havoc, affecting not just large organizations but also medium and small-sized organizations. What Is a Malware? Malware, which stands for malicious software, is a code – set of instructions which are executed by a computer – that’s designed to facilitate malicious activities such as gaining unauthorized access to a network, stealing data or damaging systems operation. A malware typically goes through the following process: First, the computer user authorizes, such as by clicking a malicious link or malicious attachment in an email, and/or is using a vulnerable software that allows the downloading and installation of the malicious code.  Second, once a computer is infected with malware, the malware…
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Top 5 Malware to Watch Out This Holiday Shopping Season

Top 5 Malware to Watch Out This Holiday Shopping Season

Information Security
Top 5 Malware to Watch Out This Holiday Shopping Season Online shoppers and e-commerce site owners alike need to watch out for trojan malicious software (malware) programs that are out in force this year-end’s busy holiday shopping season. Kaspersky Labdocumented 14 trojan malware programs that are out in force this holiday shopping season that target e-commerce brands to steal from victims. Trojan is a malware type that’s often disguised as a legitimate software. The most popular trojans are the banking trojans, which traditionally target users of banking and financial institutions’ online services, stealing financial data. Over time, these banking trojans target online shoppers of e-commerce sites. According to Kaspersky Lab, banking trojan detections in e-commerce-related activity has increased steadily over the last few years. In 2015, trojan detections in e-commerce-related…
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Importance of Protecting Your Organization’s Server from Malware

Importance of Protecting Your Organization’s Server from Malware

Data Backup, Information Security, Servers
Importance of Protecting Your Organization’s Server from Malware The recently disclosed data breach at Algonquin College highlights the importance of protecting your organization’s server from malware. Algonquin College, in a statement released last July 16, said that on May 16 cyberattacks illegally accessed one of the College’s servers by infecting it with a malicious software (malware). The educational institution didn’t indicate what specific type of malware that the attackers installed on the infected server nor indicate how the attackers were able to get inside the server. The infected server, according to Algonquin College, hosted access to databases which contained personal information. Sensitive information, including date of birth and home address, of 4,568 individuals (students and alumni) may have been exposed, while non-sensitive information of an additional 106,931 individuals (students, alumni…
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