How to Protect Your Organization from Spear Phishing Scams
How to Protect Your Organization from Spear Phishing Scams The recent revelation that the treasurer of the City of Ottawa unwittingly paid nearly US$100,000 to a phony supplier highlights the danger of spear phishing scams. The Office of the Auditor General of the City of Ottawarecently released its findings on how the City fell victim to a common fraud scheme in which US$97,797 was transferred to an account of a phony supplier. The Office of the Auditor General found that on July 6, 2018 at 10:29 am, the City Treasurer received an email from the City Manager. This email, which turned out to be a spoofed email, purporting to be coming from the City Manager when, in fact, it came from fraudsters or fraudster, requested that a wire transfer in…