Hard-Earned Lessons about Cloud Computing in the Capital One Data Breach

Hard-Earned Lessons about Cloud Computing in the Capital One Data Breach

Information Security, News
Hard-Earned Lessons about Cloud Computing in the Capital OneData Breach One of the largest-ever thefts of financial data, the data theft at Capital One, has come to light early this week. This latest data breach has given the business community many hard-earned lessons about cloud computing. Last July 29th, Capital One Financial Corporationdisclosed that on July 19, 2019, it determined that information relating to individuals who had applied for the company’s credit card and credit card products was illegally accessed. Capital One said the data theft event affected approximately 100 million individuals in the U.S. and approximately 6 million in Canada. The company said the largest category of information that was illegally accessed was information that the company collected from 2005 through early 2019, specifically personal information that the company routinely collects at the time…
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GDPR: Ready or Not this Pan-EU Privacy Regulation is Already Here

GDPR: Ready or Not this Pan-EU Privacy Regulation is Already Here

Information Security
GDPR: This Pan-EU Privacy Regulation Has Arrived The compliance deadline for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has lapsed, but only 1 in 3 companies are ready, according to a new global survey conducted by ISACA. The ISACA survey showed that this coming May 25, 2018 – the enforcement date of GDPR – only 29% of companies globally will be ready. GDPR is a European Union (EU) regulation that requires businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of individuals residing in the EU. Extra-Territorial Application of GDPR While other country-specific personal data and privacy regulations are vague in terms of their extra-territorial applicability, GDPR makes it clear that it’s applicable even to businesses based outside the EU, so long as these businesses process personal data of individuals residing in the…
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