Vulnerability Patch Management: Cost of Doing Nothing

Vulnerability Patch Management: Cost of Doing Nothing

Information Security, IT Support
Vulnerability Patch Management: Cost of Doing Nothing The failure of organizations to apply an available patch to fix a known software vulnerability, simply put: doing nothing, proves to be costly as new research shows that 60% of breaches in 2019 involved unpatched software vulnerabilities. The new research “Costs and Consequences of Gaps in Vulnerability Response” conducted by Ponemon Institute for ServiceNow showed that 60% of breaches in 2019 could have been prevented by more timely patching. What Is a Patch? A patch is a piece of code inserted into a computer program or software. Patches are typically inserted into existing software to improve the functionalities. Patches are also inserted into existing software to fix known security vulnerabilities. According to Ponemon Institute, it takes an average 43 days to see a…
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