Microsoft Warns of Active Exploitation of the “Zerologon” Bug in Windows Server

Microsoft Warns of Active Exploitation of the “Zerologon” Bug in Windows Server

Information Security
Microsoft Warns of Active Exploitation of the “Zerologon” Bug in Windows Server Over the last two weeks, Microsoft has warned that the security vulnerability in Windows Server operating systems called “Zerologon” has been actively exploited. What Is Zerologon? The security vulnerability dubbed as Zerologon was first discovered by Tom Tervoort, Senior Security Specialist at Secura. This vulnerability designated as CVE-2020-1472 is a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Netlogon Remote Protocol (MS-NRPC), a core authentication component of Active Directory – referring to Microsoft’s proprietary directory service that allows IT administrators to authenticate computers within a network. The vulnerability in Netlogon Remote Protocol allows an unauthenticated attacker with existing network access to a Windows Server operating system with the Active Directory domain controller role to completely compromise all Active Directory identity services. In…
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Dutch University Paid Cybercriminals Ransom; Lessons Learned from This Attack

Dutch University Paid Cybercriminals Ransom; Lessons Learned from This Attack

Information Security, IT Support
Dutch University Paid Cybercriminals Ransom; Lessons Learned from This Attack Maastricht University, a government-funded institution in the Netherlands, recently admitted that it paid ransomware attacker a ransom of 30 Bitcoin, valued nearly 220,000 USD at the time of payment. The University, in a statement, said it fell victim to a ransomware attack on December 23, 2019. While the University’s IT infrastructure consists of 1,647 Linux and Windows servers and 7,307 workstations, the University said, the attacker only hit 267 Windows servers. The University added that backups of these servers were also affected. In ransomware attacks, attackers prevent legitimate users from accessing their computers or files through the process known as encryption. Attackers then demand from their victims ransom in exchange for the decryption keys that would unlock the encrypted files.…
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Server OS Update: Preventive Measure Against Cyber Attacks

Server OS Update: Preventive Measure Against Cyber Attacks

Information Security, Security, Servers
Using Server OS Updates to Prevent Cyber Attacks Is your company still using an outdated server OS? Your obsolete server OS may not be broken, but this can put your company in danger of losing resources as a result of cyber attacks. In House Server Your in house server shapes your business operations. All office computers, printers, scanners, internet access and other office equipment are linked to it. All software tools shared by employees, such as accounting program and customer relationship management software, are linked to it. All digital files of your company are stored in it. With an in house server, new software or changes across the network can easily be rolled out. For instance, a server can update every computer on the network at the same time. There…
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