How Do Managed IT Services Keep Your Business Up To Date?

How Do Managed IT Services Keep Your Business Up To Date?

IT Services
How Do Managed IT Services Keep Your Business Up To Date? Running a business brings immense responsibility — and that can be overwhelming. Your team might look to you for leadership daily. Your clients may constantly bombard you with queries and complaints. And you could get lost in mountains of paperwork (even when it’s digital) before you realize it’s piling up. But one of the most difficult aspects of running a successful company is staying up to date with advancing technology. You could be at a major disadvantage if you rely on outdated systems and software: you may fall behind your competitors, and clients might notice that your capabilities seem outdated and look elsewhere for a more up-to-date option. However, you simply might not have the time to research what…
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What are the Most Common IT Issues Businesses Experience?

What are the Most Common IT Issues Businesses Experience?

IT Support
What are the Most Common IT Issues Businesses Experience? Canada’s IT services market is worth an estimated $25.4 billion, encompassing IT outsourcing, consulting, and cloud services. Companies use IT services for everything from migrating to the cloud and setting up an effective infrastructure to troubleshooting common technical issues. Even technical problems that turn out to have an easy solution can severely disrupt a business’s operations, whether it prevents employees from completing core tasks or denies customers services they’ve paid for. What are some of the most common issues affecting companies? In this post, we’ll look at 8 IT problems that a good technical support provider can solve. Computers are Slow and Lagging We all know the frustration of dealing with technology that doesn’t work how we need it to —…
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5 Common Causes of IT Hardware Failures to Watch Out For

5 Common Causes of IT Hardware Failures to Watch Out For

IT Support
5 Common Causes of IT Hardware Failures to Watch Out For Even the most minor IT hardware failure can disrupt your operations and cause major problems for your business. Any downtime could make it impossible for your team to complete key tasks, deliver products or services on time, and perform to the standards clients expect. This may affect the way in which they perceive your business and prompt them to try one of your competitors instead. It may not always be possible to prevent IT hardware failures but understanding what triggers them can help. Join us as we explore five of the most common hardware failures causes to watch out for. Exposure to extreme temperatures You could increase the risk of damaging your IT infrastructure if you expose your computers,…
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Secure Data Backup: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs It

Secure Data Backup: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs It

Data Backup
Secure Data Backup: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs It Data loss is a risk no business can afford to take. Even the biggest brands in the world have to implement effective data backup to defend against potential cybersecurity breaches or disasters. Even if you’ve considered data backup for your SME, the process of actually setting it up can be daunting. We know it’s not easy to find the time. You’re trying to drive your team to greatness, secure conversions, and so on. But it’s crucial that you dedicate time to setting up data backup for your business sooner rather than later. And here are five reasons why. Save money over time The average cost of a data breach for companies and organizations in Canada exceeds $6m. More than 40…
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300 Employees Lost Jobs Following a Botched Ransomware Recovery Process

300 Employees Lost Jobs Following a Botched Ransomware Recovery Process

Data Backup, Information Security
300 Employees Lost Jobs Following a Botched Ransomware Recovery Process More than 300 employees of The Heritage Company, an Arkansas-based telemarketing company, lost their jobs following a botched ransomware data recovery process. Just a few days before Christmas, Sandra Franecke, Owner and CEO of The Heritage Company, informed the more than 300 employees of the company that in October last year, the company’s servers were “attacked by malicious software that basically ‘held us hostage for ransom’ and we were forced to pay the crooks to get the ‘key’ just to get our systems back up and running”. While not naming the attack as ransomware attack, the attack described by the owner and CEO of The Heritage Company is typical of a ransomware attack – a type of cyber-attack that uses…
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Importance of Cloud-Based Data Backup

Importance of Cloud-Based Data Backup

Cloud Computing, Data Backup
Importance of Cloud-Based Data Backup The deluge of digital data in today's digital economy is unprecedented. Cloud-based data backup creates an opportunity to support both fast disaster recovery and business continuity for organizations of all sizes. In a study conducted by IDC and commissioned by EMC, in 2020, digitally created data is expected to reach an astounding 40,000 exabytes – that’s equivalent to 40 trillion gigabytes or over 5,200 gigabytes for every man, woman and child in 2020. Not all digital data are created equal. Some are meant to be kept for a long period of time, while others are short-lived. For instance, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European Union (EU) law that’s scheduled to be implemented on May 25, 2018 requires EU and non-EU based organizations that…
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